The dolls are not arranged. I found them exactly in the way in which they are displayed in the photographs.
In their new role, detached from fashion stores and kids rooms, they take on a life of their own, their faces reflecting a sense of melancholy and hope.
The dolls are not arranged. I found them exactly in the way in which they are displayed in the photographs.
In their new role, detached from fashion stores and kids rooms, they take on a life of their own, their faces reflecting a sense of melancholy and hope.
The dolls are not arranged. I found them exactly in the way in which they are displayed in the photographs.
In their new role, detached from fashion stores and kids rooms, they take on a life of their own, their faces reflecting a sense of melancholy and hope.
Tobias Meier
Schönes weicht Schönem weicht Schönerem… oder doch nicht?
Es ist ein langsamer Prozess während dem neue, teils groteske Formen entstehen. Die Facette wandelt sich mehr als einmal.
Eine wundervolle Metamorphose in deren Verlauf die sonderbarsten Gestalten angenommen werden, den Ursprung vergessen machen und das Resultat nur erahnen lassen. Dem Vergangenen nachzutrauern wäre eine ebensolche Verschwendung,
wie die Augen vor der Ästhetik des Status Quo zu verschließen.
Beauty gives way to beauty gives way to beauty... or not?
It is a slow process during which new, sometimes grotesque forms emerge. The facet changes more than once.
A wonderful metamorphosis in the course of which the strangest figures are adopted, leaving the origin forgotten and only hinting at the result. To mourn the past would be as much a waste as to close one's eyes to the aesthetics of the status quo.