The dolls are not arranged. I found them exactly in the way in which they are displayed in the photographs.
In their new role, detached from fashion stores and kids rooms, they take on a life of their own, their faces reflecting a sense of melancholy and hope.
The dolls are not arranged. I found them exactly in the way in which they are displayed in the photographs.
In their new role, detached from fashion stores and kids rooms, they take on a life of their own, their faces reflecting a sense of melancholy and hope.
The dolls are not arranged. I found them exactly in the way in which they are displayed in the photographs.
In their new role, detached from fashion stores and kids rooms, they take on a life of their own, their faces reflecting a sense of melancholy and hope.
Tobias Meier
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Tobias Meier, geboren 1985 in Landshut/Niederbayern
Ein gewisses Interesse an Kunst hatte sich bei ihm bereits im frühen Jugendalter eingestellt. Zuerst waren es die feinen Linien, die der einen Comicfigur mehr Ausdruck verliehen als der anderen. Die fantastischen, von den Spitzen unzähliger Bleistifte geschaffenen Welten begeisterten ihn. Es folgten Jahre der urbanen Kunst, erst konsumierend und dann – zumindest auf weißen Blättern - produzierend. Mit den ersten Museumsbesuchen entstand der Kontakt zu alten Meistern und modernen Klassikern. Durch einen glücklichen Zufall fand er sich dann im Sommer 2010 in New York wieder. Ehe er sich versah, leitete ihn seine Intuition (oder auch kosmische Kräfte) in das International Center of Photography. Ed Templeton wurde gezeigt und in ihm wurde etwas ausgelöst.
Seitdem löst er die Kamera aus.
Tobias Meier, was born in 1985 in Landshut/Lower Bavaria
He started to develop a certain interest in the arts at a young age. First, he was mesmerised by the fine lines which brought cartoon characters to life and the fantastical worlds built by countless pencil tips. Later, he developed a passion for urban art, first as an admirer and then - at least on white paper - as a creator. It was when he first started visiting museums that he encountered the old masters and modern classics. Thanks to a fortunate coincidence he found himself in New York in the summer of 2010. Before he knew it, his intuition (or was it cosmic forces?) guided him to the International Center of Photography where Ed Templeton's work was being exhibited. In that moment something within him simply clicked and ultimately led him to his first click of the shutter.
Plastic Vanity, Provisorium, München
o.T., Jahresausstellung 8, Galerie Litvai, Landshut
FM4 Stehkalender 2021
Around New New York, self published
Kalte Nudeln, self published